1861 Austria / Hungarian territory – Long distance letter from Zimony to Vienna, with a four stamps franking
80 €
The letter was posted with a 1 kr ordinary postage overpayment, the positioning of the stamps suggests that, a 3kr stamp was first affixed to the letter and then the error was try to be corrected so that the end result was a 1 kr overpayment. The 2kr stamp was less common in private hands, given that it was used for printed matters, so it was usually not kept in stock by the public, presumably this was the reason to replace it with a 3kr stamp.
Austria, Hungary, Serbia Tags:
1st auction, postal history, stampLot number: 172. SKU: SC_2042
Austria, Hungary, Serbia Tags:
1st auction, postal history, stampLot number: 172. SKU: SC_2042